Dr. Rose Kenny: Why Mountain Bike?

Dr. Rose Kenny is a busy family physician who lives and works in Redmond, Oregon. Dr. Rose Kenny is owned and operated the Family Care Center since 2002, and Dr. Rose Kennyhas an excellent reputation among colleagues and patients.

Dr Rose Kenny Dr Rose Kenny

When Dr. Rose Kenny isn’t working, Dr. Kenny stays fit and active with mountain biking and similar hobbies.

If you’ve never mountain biked, you’re missing out. Enthusiasts like Dr. Rose Kenny use their hobby of mountain biking for more than just a great workout – they enjoy beautiful views, bonding with friends and family, better sleep and hormones that both increase happiness and reduce stress. Mountain biking is also a great way to make new friends as an adult, if you’re willing to join a local mountain biking club.

About Dr Rose Kenny

Dr. Rose Kenny is a multi-talented physician whose work ethic has seen her achieve success in her field.
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